Homework and Study Skills

The acquisition and development of successful study habits are essential for the full development of a student’s academic potential. Although the amount and frequency of homework assignments may vary according to grade level and subject area, study and home preparation are an integral part of our program. Through homework a child learns to apply and reinforce skills and concepts, acquires information for use in class discussions, and learns to take responsibility for completing a task by budgeting time wisely.

Parents are often unsure how they can best help with homework. The most important contribution a parent can make is to provide the proper conditions for the completion of assignments. Students should have a quiet, well-lit area, and a set time designated for homework. Homework is to be completed by the child.

Each child learns at his/her own rate, sometimes needing more or less time to grasp concepts than others of the same age. For this reason, it is imperative parents be aware of their child’s specific needs and modify other activities to allow for reasonable time for each child to spend on assignments. Please contact the teacher if you feel your schild is spending too much time on homework to ensure the child is understanding the material.